Where Your Donations Go

Friends of Kenyan Orphans strives to keep administrative costs low: in 2023, 90% of every dollar donated went to programs we support in Kenya.
Your generous donations and grants have allowed Friends of Kenyan Orphans to make an incredible impact in 2023.
Here are just some of the highlights:
- Delivered quality education to nearly 390 children this year
- Test scores improved at St. Clare by more than 5%
- Enrolled 80 new students at St. Clare; an increase of 11% over the previous year
- Eight higher education students completed their college programs this year
- Provided new seventh and eighth grade curriculum books
- Funded the purchase of a new van for transportation to academic and extra-curricular activities
- Supplied 1800 story books for our young readers
- Provided 800 sets of bedsheets and 400 bed covers
- St. Clare was ranked the BEST private school in its county
- Increased higher education enrollment by 30% compared to the previous year, with a total of 104 girls pursuing higher education since the program's inception
In addition, there were zero pregnancies and in turn, no school drop-outs due to early pregnancies.
Your dollars are used to support children from childhood through higher education. Because of your generosity, graduates are able to continue their education and gain employment in their respective areas of study. Through the higher education program, these incredibly deserving girls have gone off to various polytechnic schools and universities, allowing them to study a diverse range of subjects including education, business, engineering, agriculture and supply-chain management.