Maximize Your Giving

You can maximize your giving by designating FOKO to receive your Kroger Community Rewards, or by taking advantage of employee donation matching programs.
Matching Gift Programs
Many companies have a charitable matching program, turning your donation into TWICE as much! Please check with your employer to see if they participate in a matching program.
Read more about Employer Matching Gifts.
Kroger Community Rewards
Michigan Kroger shoppers, once you register and connect your Kroger Plus card, a percentage of your grocery bill will be donated directly to Friends of Kenyan Orphans each and every time you shop!
Just follow a few simple steps to link your Kroger Rewards Card to our organization. Within 10 days, a note about your support will appear at the bottom of each receipt.
To get started visit:
Just look up Friends of Kenyan Orphans or our organization number FA917.