Former St. Clare grads meet

While in Kenya, Bud and Sue called the St. Clare graduates who are being funded by FOKO to come to St. Clare. Twenty five girls arrived, with some coming from as far away as Nairobi.

It was a great day spent with girls who have finished college and are working and girls who are applying to FOKO for college support for the first time. Most of the girls are studying at Kenyan universities or poly tech schools. These young women were so interesting and ready to share their concerns and also appreciation for what FOKO has provided for them and their futures.

Former St. Clare grads enjoying seeing each other

Bud and Sue spent time with them sharing FOKO's role as well as listening to their suggestions. After, the young women met with the leadership of the alumnae association.

Back at St. Clare

It was a pleasure to see the maturity and confidence levels, these young women displayed. Seeing them helps FOKO realize the value of FOKO's Higher Education Initiative.